Aurora Hammock Park

Aurora Hammock Park

The first outdoor venue in the world for watching the northern lights: an hammock park made of recycled fishnets at the end of Suðurtangi, in one of the darkest spots of town. The area could be cleaned up and hammocks could be easily set up between the concrete walls, providing a comfortable way to lay down and stare at the sky with no contact with the ground, shielded from the wind by the concrete walls. A creative way to reconvert an otherwise disused and run down area into something magical.


Easy to implement and maintain

A way to clean up and develop an otherwise unused part of town

A creative way to reconvert an otherwise disused and run down area into something magical.

Easily the first in the world of its kind ☺️

Environmental friendly, a way to reuse old fishnets

A great spot for aurora watchers, for locals and visitors

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